The Solution to Your Resolution


When we invite God into all parts of our lives, the questions we have, the worries we face, and the things we long to change, all become radically different! In today’s short video, Pam reveals the joy and freedom that comes when we exchange your resolutions for God’s solution.


Another new year, another new beginning, another chance to get it right - isn't that what we think to ourselves at the end of every year? It’s the time of year when we look back and think, “What was disenchanting about this past year? What did I do wrong? What goal did I not fulfill? How can I make this next year better?” That's what resolutions are all about, right? 

In previous years, I've made resolutions; new things to attempt and old things to try harder at, all in an attempt to have a better life. I would think, “I’m going to try to figure it all out this year! I’m going to pull myself up by my bootstraps, put things on my calendar, set my alarm clock, start going to the gym…” and the list went on! Well, I’m sure you’ve guessed that after only a couple of weeks of trying really hard, I’d already fallen short!

Perhaps we need to ask ourselves,

What am I missing on the inside that pushes me to want to make changes in my life?

And we can do this by going to God and asking Him to show us what we’re missing in our lives. We can go to Him and ask Him to reveal to us what’s causing us to want to make certain changes on the outside. 

In my experience, the changes we long to make in our behavior and habits are actually a reflection of what we're missing on the inside. Maybe we don't have a sense of belonging, or maybe we feel really insecure in life. Maybe we feel unaccepted, or unloved. Maybe we just have such low self-worth that we'll try anything to feel better about ourselves. 

When we invite God into all parts of our lives, the questions, the hurts, the worries - everything changes! My friend, you can trust God, invite Him in, and ask Him to show you who you are, show you your worth, show you how much He loves you. 

Perhaps in taking your questions to God, you’ll stop looking for external things you can  do to make you better on the outside, and instead, you’ll allow God to first change you on the inside which will motivate what you do on the outside. So, what would this look like in your life? Well, maybe if you let God show you your value you will want to be healthier, and the changes to your diet and exercise plan that you’ve wanted to make  won’t be so difficult. Perhaps in revealing His great love to you, you will crave time with Him and suddenly find yourself spending lots of it with Him. 

This year, I'm going to look to God as the solution to the resolutions I thought I wanted to make. 

As we trust Him as our solution, everything else will fall into place. My friend, let’s enjoy Him this new year, let’s allow Him to direct our steps moment by moment, day by day in His will for our lives, so that we can trust Him in all things and He will direct our path. 

Happy New Year from Life Untangled.